Hello, I am Echo and I created this repo in order to give exploits for the masses and to prove one thing, chromebooks are literal trash, and a poor excuse for a computer. They are full of exploits, you might think you blocked/patched them all but then 3 more pop up. It is a endless game of wack-a-mole. Treat your students to a windows computer, they will thank you. And don’t you dare start to think “My school district does not have that kind of money”, it most likely does! How much are you paying the blocker companies? Think about that.
credit LittleMissNyan for the swag logo
This bookmarklet exploit that can force-disable any extension installed on Google Chrome. Also known as LTBEEF.
DO NOT UPDATE YOUR CHROMEBOOK! This exploit gets patched relatively quickly, so do not update! Need help to stop updates? Click here to learn how!
If you need any help, please go here: https://github.com/3kh0/ext-remover/discussions
javascript:let shim = false;var ids = prompt("extension ids (comma separated)").split(",");setInterval(()=>{ids.forEach((id)=> opener.chrome.developerPrivate.updateExtensionConfiguration({extensionId: id, fileAccess: shim}));shim = !shim;}, 250);
javascript:localStorage.cluster="UNKNOWN_SCHOOL,"+(confirm("ok = Disable\ncancel = Enable ")?99999999999999:0),opener.chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().location.reload()
Using the found by bypassi you can disable extensions.
You will need to run bookmarklets and a extension installed from the chrome web store
let shim = false;var ids = prompt("extension ids (comma separated)").split(",");setInterval(()=>{ids.forEach((id)=> opener.chrome.developerPrivate.updateExtensionConfiguration({extensionId: id, fileAccess: shim}));shim = !shim;}, 250);
Note, if you close the tab the extensions will come back.
Uses Bypassi’s pointblank exploit, Sharp_Jack#4374 made the initial payload, posted to TN kajigs by CoolElectronics#4683
The screenshot below was preformed on 108.0.5359.75 (Official Build) (64-bit) on the stable channel.
This has been tested and does work but has varying levels of success, you will need access to inspect element, more specifically, console.
Shortened link: https://tinyurl.com/i-ltbeefchrome.management.setEnabled('extensionid', false)
Replacing extensionid
with the ID of the extension you want to disable, e.g. the stuff after the = in the URL bar when you click the extension’s “details” button in chrome://extensions
Credit to SprinkzMC#8421 (aka Bypassi) for finding this!
To re-enable just go to the chrome web listing for the extension and click on the banner.
Here are the instructions to using this exploit! There are two ways, using the GUI and using the ids, the GUI method is better.
Credit to Nebelung for this, link to the github
For easy setup go the the website at https://fognetwork.github.io/Ingot
ctrl + shift + b
Add Page
and the URL to the code below or herejavascript:(function () {var a = document.createElement('script');a.src = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/FogNetwork/Ingot/ingot.min.js';document.body.appendChild(a);}())
If this helped please give me a star!
Credit to CompactCow#4717 for the amazing UI!
Add Page
and the URL to the code below or here
If this helped please give me a star!
For example if you have this URL:
you would only copyechoontop
and copy everything and create a new bookmark and use the code you copied as the Page URLYou’re done! The extension should now be disabled.
If this helped please give me a star!
You’re done! The extension should now be enabled.
If this helped please give me a star!
Credit bypassi for finding and making this exploit!
Well, it’s pretty basic. It finds extensions and displays them on this page with some toggle switches.
then, it detects when the toggle switch is toggled, and for what extension, then compiles a message to chrome that says “hey, turn this off for me”. Chrome, mistaking this for the webstore complies.
DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! I don’t recommend anyone do this, but I can’t really control your will. What I can do, though, is warn you. Doing ANY of this will violate your school’s policy and will possibly get you banned from electronics. This sticks to your record, and you won’t get rid of it. Think about it, are you REALLY that desperate?
There are still so many more fun exploits, please join the TN or my discord